
Latin America is where the giant among the coffee producing countries, Brazil, is situated. Here, the first Arabica cuttings from the Island of Martinique were planted in 1727. In 1876, a wide-growing sub-species of the Arabica, the Maragogypes, with particularly large beans was discovered in the Northern Brazilian town of Maragogijpe. Later, this species also found its way to Central America and Africa.

In the highlands of Guatemala, Costa Rica and Colombia, you can find the most famous and desired Arabica qualities. Guatemala and Mexico are among the few Central American countries, which are producing high quality, washed Robusta coffees. In Costa Rica, law, however, prohibits the cultivation of Robusta.

Small countries of origin, such as Paraguay, Venezuela, Surinam and Bolivia sometimes offer exceptional qualities on the world market; however, they are somewhat unreliable with respect to ensuring a constant quality.

A bright future in speciality coffee shops is expected for Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, which have taken a vital step to achieving higher coffee prices on the world market by being able to offer higher quality coffee thanks to cultivating new as well as old varieties.